Wrangel Island:postcards 2012
27.02.2012 was the First Day Cover of the Russian postage stamp ‘Nature Heritage of Russia. Wrangel Island’. The postmark action took place in key postal-offices in Moscow and Anadyr (Chukotka). For the purpose the collectors used also rare commemorative postcards were published by the travelers project ‘Nature of Russia’. The series included not less then five cards, and two cover illustrations based on watercolors of the author i.e. ‘Rose silence’ and ‘Guillemots come first’. The back side of the cards has special note that there is ‘The commemorative card matched the First Day Cover of the Russian postage stamp ‘Nature Heritage of Russia. Wrangel Island’, CARTE POSTALE, as well as the author’s name, printing office title and location, edition. The edition of cards was 50 copies by each, the standard size is 14.8 cm*10.5 cm. The ‘Nature of Russia’ project (=’travelers club’) was established in 2008 with the mission to improve public awareness in field of nature heritage conservation and protected areas, and for which the club use also ‘postage language’, exhibitions, travels. Note: the author has rights and possibility to disseminate a part of the edition.
The cover illustration of the postcard 'Rose silence. Wrangel Island' and the Moscow's First Day Cover mark (the web version)
The cover illustration of the postcard 'Guillemots come first' with the Anadyr's First Day Cover mark
Quick-look of cover illustration of the post card 'February.Air-mail arrived.Wrangel Island' (temporary without the First Day Cover mark)
Last update: 20.03.2012