February’s mail plane
February's mail plane, Wrangel Island (watercolor, 24*35 cm, 2005) Февральский почтовый ...

Rose silence
Watercolor, 35 cm * 25 cm (not for sale) [caption id="attachment_470" align="aligncenter" width="895"] Rose silence, Wrangel ...

Kuzhbiyi is non-residential village in Mezhyhirsky district of Zakarpatty Region, Ukrain near mountain village Sojmy, 2,498 feet (750 m) above the sea level, and wherein only two people ...

About Drawings of Unknown Songbirds of Wrangel Island
See new story about unknown songbirds of Wrangel Island at the Prose page list. It is based on two watercolor pictures of birds (possibly wood-pewee and small thrush) which were produced by ...
ArcArt and Google Earth
September 27, 2009. Visitors can use these *.kmz links with GoogleEarth platform: i) the poem about Kuvaev Mountain Pass and ii) the oil ‘Blossom Polar Station’ in Wrangel Island. See ...