Country of Inspiration: Kmo Lake

Resume TBD. Please use version in Russian language and some translation to Dutch at Wiki-web-page. There are my relative articles: ‘Burlutsky Stream‘, ‘Kuvaev Pass‘, ‘Rare Songbirds‘ as well as kmz-links to pictures:

Пик Береговой,Beregovoj Cape,kmz Перевал_Куваева_Kuvaev_Pass

Beregovoy Peak [Пик Береговой], Wrangel Isl ©2010 V.Prydatko-Dolin

Kmo Point and Beregovoy Peak, Wrangel Isl (watercolor, A4)

Устье р.Советская и оз.Кмо, о.Врангеля (б., а.) * The Soviet River Mouth and Kmo Lake, Wrangel Isl (watercolor, 15*21, 2010)

Устье р.Советская и оз.Кмо, о.Врангеля (б., а.) * The Soviet River Mouth and Kmo Lake, Wrangel Isl (watercolor, 15*21, 2010)

Kmo Point (watercolor)

Kmo Point (watercolor)

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