My Arctic, Antarctic and...

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Cliffs, ice and seabirds of the Herald Island

[caption id="attachment_2574" align="alignleft" width="900"] Cliffs, ice and seabirds of the Herald Isl (watercolor, 8*11", ...

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On northern ridge of the Herald Island

[caption id="attachment_1148" align="alignleft" width="900"] On northern ridge of the Herald Isl (watercolor,ink, ...

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View on the Herald Island from Waring Cape

[caption id="attachment_1062" align="alignleft" width="900"] View on the Herald Isl from Waring Cape, Wrangel Isl ...

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My impressive talk with kids about Polar Regions in Kyiv’s gymnasium №172 ‘Nyvky’

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Update View on F.Bellingsgausen’s Expedition History

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A piece of Arctic for you. Antarctic to be continued…

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New Paintings are Already in the Antarctic Center in Kyiv

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My Exhibition in ‘Lvivarnya Gallery’, Lviv

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Illya Chirikov as the Fifth Kamyanozatonskyy’s voivode (1706-1711)

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Plain Air on the Dnieper (2010-2011)

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A February Day

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Some travel graphics of 1980s’