The Arctic and it’s current horrors
November 18, 2011: the PolarPost-web resource published article (ru) by Anataly Chramchyhin named 'The cold war covers Arctic' was announced as 'New battle for nature resources of the Earth ...

Illustrations to poetry of V.Shentalinsky
There are some illustration matched polar poetry of Vitaly Shentalinsky, and which I invented recently based on the publication [В.А.Шенталинский "Перелетные ...

On awarding of Vladimir Koshelev in Kyiv
April 14, 2011: The Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Volodymyr awarded among others Volodymyr Koshelev by the Order of St. Prince Vladimir Equal-III-rd degree. (V.Koshelev is also the ...

Trublaini street and the wasteland calling to faraway lands …
There is small story about my holiday's travel to Trublaini Street in Kyiv this December and about respective watercolor development, which I named as 'Trublaini street and the wasteland ...

About Drawings of Unknown Songbirds of Wrangel Island
See new story about unknown songbirds of Wrangel Island at the Prose page list. It is based on two watercolor pictures of birds (possibly wood-pewee and small thrush) which were produced by ...

My paintings at YouTube
This November thanks to my friends a sounded presentation of my paintings about Wrangel and Herald island i.e oil, watercolor and gouache was placed at the YouTube ...

About the Sea-hunters’ ancient clothes
The hunter Ulvelkot explains me purpose of the 'pykh-pykh' i.e. the dried and inflated walrus stomach (Photo by L. Veismnan). Simultaneously, he is dressed in ...
ArcArt and Google Earth
September 27, 2009. Visitors can use these *.kmz links with GoogleEarth platform: i) the poem about Kuvaev Mountain Pass and ii) the oil ‘Blossom Polar Station’ in Wrangel Island. See ...