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A short list of poems

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The Ocean's Ice (the well known second title was 'The Ross' Gull'), MP3, 2.4 Mb It is poem (pdf, ru) about beautiful Ross' Gulls, which author saw many times in Wrangel Island and the ...

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Blue-and-pink quiet…

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‘The Poet of the Year 2012’ Competition…

The Editorial Council of the  СтихиРу [StihiRu] poetic society nominated the author to be a competitor of the national literary award "The Poet of the Year 2012". The author ...

(Strolling with thinking about Vertinsky)

Strolling through the village Sovky in Kyiv with thinking about A.Vertinsky's time... (Read please  ru version of the ...

Spray of tundra conversions

(see ru version of the ...

Sunday, autumn, evening …

(See please my ru version of improvised liric poem about a Sunday's autumn evening in a nice garden environment, and the inhabitants of which must freeze temporary while the artist Elena ...

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Illustrations to poetry of V.Shentalinsky

There are some illustration matched polar poetry of Vitaly Shentalinsky, and which I invented recently based on the publication [В.А.Шенталинский "Перелетные ...

Sarcastic walk on Kyiv’s hard-core development

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